Best of “DeflateGate”
Regardless of your opinion on the New England Patriots deflated footballs ordeal, you’ve got to admit this whole episode has been outlandish and wildly entertaining. It’s probably much ado about nothing because the Patriots won the game so easily. It is quite possible the Pats did underinflate the footballs and we all know they have a history of cheating. That aside, the juvenile jokes, late night punch-lines, press conferences with grown men talking about balls, etc. have been hilarious. We watch sports to take us away from life for a bit and to be entertained. DeflateGate has done just that. A friend of mine said this whole episode is like a Saturday Night Live sketch without even trying.
Here are some of the better parodies and jokes I’ve seen on the web:
Cialis parody from Benstonium.c
And of course Saturday Night Live – ( I love how Belichick says he got dressed up)